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A new spot will be available every few days. In fact, we usually have a few people leaving to trade on their own, which means a spot might be available for you. Let us show you our FIFA Trading secrets!
I expect you to make at least 10M coins if you stay in our group for more than 3 months. Additionally, If you only want to stay for one month, you should be able to make 500K – 1.5M coins – that’s what the average member makes if only staying for one month. In conclusion, the longer you stay, the more you learn – and the quicker you’ll be able to make money on your own as well.
You can join now for only €20. Moreover, once those spots are sold out, the price will increase by at least 25%. We keep spots limited all year to ensure that we provide the best possible service.
As much as you’d like. In reality, there’s no sort of max. or min. amount of time you should be spending per day to succeed in our community as a new trader. Of course, the more time you spend, the quicker you learn different trading strategies and concepts – but a large group of our members likes to sit back, wait for my team and I to post Investments and then buy once they get a discord notification. Evidently, that’s the most simple and easy strategy if you don’t have several hours on your hands but still want to make millions.
No problem. In fact, we cover every single console as well as budget.